Interventions Database
We have developed a database of more than 200 interventions to help prevent child sexual abuse from across the globe. These are based on published research or documentation from the relevant organisation, with evaluative data included where available.
You can search and filter these below to find interventions most appropriate to your target audience.
Of course, each approach will be suited to its own geographical, cultural, legal and socioeconomic context; and inclusion of an intervention or resource within this database does not necessarily indicate effectiveness. You will need to adapt these interventions to your own context.
Don't Offend (‘Kein Täter werden’)
Group therapy targeted at individuals who have not committed an offline or online sexual offence against a child, but who are worried about doing so, and people who have already offended but have not come to the attention of the authorities.Don't Offend (‘Kein Täter werden’)
Group Work
Individual Work
Troubled Desire
An online self help tool designed to be completed by individuals who are concerned by their sexual attractions towards children. The self-help tool will be available in 10 languages from January 2020Troubled Desire
Individual Work
Bringing in the bystander
A programme to educate college and university students about the realities of sexual assault and equip them with tools to help them to identify and prevent rapeBringing in the bystander
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Peer Support
Public Education
Beyond Referrals - multi agencies
An online tool designed for multi-agency partnerships to explore their response to harmful sexual behaviours exhibited by pupils in schools and other educational settings.Beyond Referrals - multi agencies
An independent network of qualified and experienced professionals who are willing and trained to work with potential sex offenders, sex offenders and their families. These professionals are supervised and include psychologists, psychotherapists and doctorsStopSO
Individual Work
The Upstream project
An online resource that enables adults in Scotland to prevent child sexual abuse and protect the next childThe Upstream project
Breaking the links
A psychoeducational group-work programme, designed for men who have been arrested for internet related sexual offences but who have also been affected by past trauma.Breaking the links
Group Work
Individual Work
An early intervention project for children and young people who have potentially harmful online sexual behaviourROSA
Individual Work
CRIAVS - Relationship and Sexuality Educational Module Material
Age appropriate educational materials for children who are at risk of being sexually victimised and/or perpetrating acts of sexual violence themselves.CRIAVS - Relationship and Sexuality Educational Module Material
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Peer Support
Public Education
CRIAVS - Online Safety Education Materials
CRIAVS - Online Safety Education Materials
Age appropriate educational materials for children who are at risk of being sexually victimised or perpetrating acts of sexual violence themselves
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Individual Work
Peer Support
Public Education
CRIAVS - Respecting the Law and Understanding Problematic Behaviour Educational Materials
CRIAVS - Respecting the Law and Understanding Problematic Behaviour Educational Materials
Age appropriate educational materials for children aged 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, and 14-18 years of age who are at risk of being sexually victimised and/or perpetrating acts of sexual violence themselves.
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Individual Work
Peer Support
Public Education
Crashing - AlterEgo Creative Solutions
Crashing - AlterEgo Creative Solutions
A theatre play which tells the story of Eddie, a fifteen year-old boy who is groomed by an adult man in his community. It is performed by young people, for young people in schools and other learning environments.
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Online Solicitation Programme
The Online Solicitation Programme is targeted at men who have used the internet to engage in sexual discussions with children and/or have engaged in discussions about meeting children offline.Online Solicitation Programme
Group Work
Individual Work
Online Solicitation Programme
The Online Solicitation Programme is targeted at men who have used the internet to engage in sexual discussions with children and/or have engaged in discussions about meeting children offline.Online Solicitation Programme
Group Work
Individual Work
NOTA Individualised Treatment Programme
A programme outlining underlying principles and theory, and a practice manual for men who may pose a risk of sexual abuse, who have been convicted of a sexual offence, or those who have not been convicted of an offence but whose sexual behaviour is concerning and potentially harmfulNOTA Individualised Treatment Programme
Individual Work
A national helpline for adults struggling with their sexuality, who may be worried about thoughts and actions.PrevenTell
ART - Sweden
The ART (Aggression Replacement Training) intervention is aimed at adolescents 12–20 years with significant deficiencies in social skills, ability to control anger and moral reasoning.ART - Sweden
Group Work
Individual Work
BUP - Sweden
An intervention which assists children, both boys and girls, who are between 3 and 17, and have acted in a sexual manner against other children.BUP - Sweden
Group Work
Individual Work
First Step Cambodia
A range of prevention activities including workshops, events and the distribution of resources. Social worker capacity building and therapeutic services to 5-17 year old survivors of child sexual abuseFirst Step Cambodia
Group Work
Stand Strong Walk Tall
one-to-one, therapeutic support for minor-attracted people to enable self-regulation and wellbeing which in turn helps to prevent child sexual abuseStand Strong Walk Tall
Individual Work