Interventions Database
We have developed a database of more than 200 interventions to help prevent child sexual abuse from across the globe. These are based on published research or documentation from the relevant organisation, with evaluative data included where available.
You can search and filter these below to find interventions most appropriate to your target audience.
Of course, each approach will be suited to its own geographical, cultural, legal and socioeconomic context; and inclusion of an intervention or resource within this database does not necessarily indicate effectiveness. You will need to adapt these interventions to your own context.
Unspoken Words/Le Parole Non Dette - Italy
A personal safety skills programme designed to teach child sexual abuse prevention skills for use with children in primary schools.Unspoken Words/Le Parole Non Dette - Italy
Advocacy and Legal
Classroom Setting
The Red Card Campaign (CSE)
An awareness raising campaign linked to the FIFA World Cup 2010. Uses a variety of media to communicate key prevention messages to vulnerable children, tourists and the public.The Red Card Campaign (CSE)
Public Education
The Men Care Campaign
A global fatherhood campaign to promote men’s involvement as fathers and caregivers, with the twin goals of increasing gender equality between parents and reducing violence in families.The Men Care Campaign
Classroom Setting
Public Education
Stop it Now! UK and Ireland Helpline
A freephone confidential helpline for any adult concerned about sexual abuse including those worried about their own thoughts/behaviour and those worried about the behaviour of another adult or child/young person.Stop it Now! UK and Ireland Helpline
Shakti empowers and builds the resilience of disadvantaged and vulnerable girls and young women, through a community-based group work programme, after the completion of which the girls develop their own community projects.Shakti
Group Work
Peer Support
Radius Child and Youth Services Canada
A community-based clinic that provides specialized assessments and treatment to children and families who have experienced intra-familial sexual abuse, children exhibiting concerning sexualised behaviour, and youth who have offended sexually.Radius Child and Youth Services Canada
Family Work
Group Work
Individual Work
Securus Offender Monitoring
E-safety software which examines personal computers for specific inappropriate words, phrases and images regarding child pornography.Securus Offender Monitoring
Safer Recruitment Training
Training for staff who recruit into the children’s workforce, including education settings, to help them recruit suitable, safe people.Safer Recruitment Training
Classroom Setting
My Life My Choice
A continuum of services aimed at preventing the commercial sexual exploitation of girls. Includes survivor mentoring for young victims, prevention groups, and training for youth service providers. Services are provided in birth and foster home settings, in residential care and in schools.My Life My Choice
Group Work
Multi-Systemic Therapy for Youth with Problem Sexual Behaviours
A community programme which treats each individual and family as unique. Treatment incorporates intensive family therapy, parent training, skills building, cognitive-behavioural therapy and community interventions.Multi-Systemic Therapy for Youth with Problem Sexual Behaviours
Family Work
Individual Work
Keeping Ourselves Safe
A positive personal safety skills programme that aims to provide young people with the skills to cope with situations that might involve abuse. For delivery in schools by teachers supported by Police Education Officers.Keeping Ourselves Safe
Classroom Setting
Family Work
Sexual Harrassment and Abuse in Sport - International Olympic Committee Video
A video designed to raise awareness and enable people involved in sport to take action to prevent different forms of sexual harassment and abuse in organised sports.Sexual Harrassment and Abuse in Sport - International Olympic Committee Video
Childline Schools Service
A prevention programme delivered by trained volunteers in primary schools. Uses a large assembly and smaller interactive classroom sessions.Childline Schools Service
Classroom Setting
Childline Therapeutic Programmes for Children Harmed by Abuse
Therapeutic programmes for families where children have been harmed by sexual abuse. Childline staff deliver the progamme using play therapy, individual, group and family therapy.Childline Therapeutic Programmes for Children Harmed by Abuse
Family Work
Group Work
Individual Work
Body Safety Training
A series of ten lessons for parents or teachers to deliver to children aged 3-8 which cover body safety as well as general safety.Body Safety Training
Classroom Setting
Individual Work
Be Safe! Prevention Programme
Be Safe! is a personal safety programme for children aged 5 to 9 years. Through positive, non-threatening, simple key messages and child-friendly learning resources. Be Safe! introduces young people to the concepts of: children's right; safe and supportive friendships; adult's responsibility to protect children from harm; privacy and simple and effective Personal Safety Rules.Be Safe! Prevention Programme
Classroom Setting
Be Safe - Stay Safe's Children's Programme
A group programme for children aged 8-13 (up to 14 for young people with learning disabilities) with worrying sexual behaviour and their parents/carers.Be Safe - Stay Safe's Children's Programme
Family Work
Group Work
A ten minute film about sexting and cyberbullying which can be used as part of an educational programme or watched by young people on YouTube.Exposed
A programme for men and young boys at risk of violent and other offending.Chauraha
Group Work