The Upstream project

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The Upstream Project


An online resource that enables adults in Scotland to prevent child sexual abuse and protect the next child. (

Type of intervention

Online  with downloadable material

Target groups, level of prevention and subgroups

  • Additional Resource | Online/app | English

Target population

The aim of the resource is to help adults who are protective to become more effective in their efforts to prevent sexual abuse, and to help those who present a risk of harm to children to make safer choices . It provides information for communities, families in Scotland and the professionals who serve them about the practical things we can all do to prevent child sexual abuse in the first place.

Delivery organisation

Stop It Now! Scotland ( are nationwide charity based Edinburgh. They believe that the key to preventing sexual abuse is awareness among parents and community members and work to build public confidence in recognising and responding to concerns about the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. They also provide support services to individuals and their families with problematic sexual thoughts and those who may be at risk of sexual offending. This includes those who are under investigation for internet offences.They believe that this is a critical part of preventing child sexual abuse. We also support friends and family members of individuals who are at risk of sexual offending.

They are part of the Lucy Faithfull Foundation - who are the the only UK-wide child protection charity dedicared soley to the preventation of child sexual abuse. (

Mode and context of delivery

This is a website for everyone,  Aimed at adults throughout Scotland, the Upstream resource provides practical advice and safety tips to anyone worried about the sexual abuse of a child.

The Upstream resources covers a wide range of areas including in the family home, in sports settings, faith settings and in the community. There are also resources for anyone who is worried about their own thoughts, feelings or behaviours towards children.

Level/nature of staff expertise required

No professional background required.

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

The website can be viewed for as long as required.

Description of intervention

The new resource is broken down into five sections. These are Learn, Identify, Prevent, Act and Engaging Communities. There is also a Get Help section for anyone in a situation that needs immediate action. The resource gives practical advice based on a wide range of scenarios and frequently asked questions that often come up . “What if I don’t like the way my uncle is playing with my daughter?” or “What are the warning signs that a child is being abused” or “How do I make my church group safer for children?”.

The language as accessible as possible without losing some of the detail and nuances of the complex world that we live in. The Engaging Communities section contains a range of resources that professionals can use when engaging the public about prevention.

It was developed specifically for a Scottish audience but it is hoped this resource can be used more widely. Have a look, and if it is useful, share the resource with colleagues, friends and family or tell people about it on social media. The message of Upstream is simple; together we can protect the next child from harm.


The site was launched in December 2019 and evaluations will be done in due course, including a steering group for further development and direction..


Contact details


Image result for the upstream project scotland

RATING: Pioneering

Information correct at March 2021