Safer Recruitment Training
Training for staff who recruit into the children’s workforce, including education settings, to help them recruit suitable, safe people.
Type of intervention
Classroom setting
Target groups, level of prevention and subgroups
- Situations/Places | Schools and other organisations working with children and young people, faith settings, sport and leisure | Classroom | English
Target population
This training is for those who recruit workers and volunteers to work with children and young people. All organisations in England that work with or provide services for children and families have a duty to protect their welfare. There are two courses available, one for education settings and one for the wider children’s workforce.
Delivery organisation
Lucy Faithfull Foundation (LFF), UK.
Mode and context of delivery
The Safer Recruitment training is a one day course and accommodates up to 25 participants. The training is interactive, consisting of four separate sessions, each involving group exercises and discussions, alongside PowerPoint presentations and audio clips. Participants are required to complete an assessment at the end of the training.
Level/nature of staff expertise required
The Safer Recruitment training is delivered by staff from The Lucy Faithfull Foundation, who have different roles within the organisation and varied background experience, including the Police and Probation. They will have completed a two day accredited Train the Trainer course.
Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)
The Safer Recruitment training is a one day course that is an important part of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
Description of intervention
Safer recruitment training became mandatory for the recruitment of school staff from 1 January 2010. This means a recruitment panel must have at least one member who has completed the training, or where an individual is in charge of recruitment, that individual must have completed the training. It is the responsibility of schools to comply. It is recommended that anyone recruiting into the wider children’s workforce be trained.
The training for the schools sector and the wider children’s workforce looks at best practice that should be adopted when recruiting and selecting adults to work with children in schools and other environments. It sets out procedures and strategies to help those involved in the recruitment process to deter, identify and reject applicants who are unsuitable to work with children. It also seeks to strengthen safeguards for children, with the aim of creating an environment where concerns can be raised on poor or unsafe practice. The one-day course is divided into four modules:
- Introduction to safer recruitment, abuse and abusers in the workforce
- A safer recruitment process
- Safer selection
- An ongoing safeguarding culture and responding to concerns and allegations
No evaluation data available.
National College for School Leadership
Department for Education
Bichard, Sir Michael, The Bichard Inquiry Report, London, Home Office
Contact details
The Lucy Faithfull Foundation
Telephone: 01372 847 160
RATING: Pioneering