Interventions Database
We have developed a database of more than 200 interventions to help prevent child sexual abuse from across the globe. These are based on published research or documentation from the relevant organisation, with evaluative data included where available.
You can search and filter these below to find interventions most appropriate to your target audience.
Of course, each approach will be suited to its own geographical, cultural, legal and socioeconomic context; and inclusion of an intervention or resource within this database does not necessarily indicate effectiveness. You will need to adapt these interventions to your own context.
Staying Safe
A programme for children and young people who have been affected by sexual abuse. It is an extension of the Partners’ Programme, a UK Home Office accredited group work programme run in conjunction with the Probation Service.Staying Safe
Individual Work
Jun and the Octopus - book
a story book for young children to help parents and educators broach the topic of preventing child sexual abuseJun and the Octopus - book
CRIAVS - Relationship and Sexuality Educational Module Material
Age appropriate educational materials for children who are at risk of being sexually victimised and/or perpetrating acts of sexual violence themselves.CRIAVS - Relationship and Sexuality Educational Module Material
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Peer Support
Public Education
CRIAVS - Online Safety Education Materials
CRIAVS - Online Safety Education Materials
Age appropriate educational materials for children who are at risk of being sexually victimised or perpetrating acts of sexual violence themselves
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Individual Work
Peer Support
Public Education
CRIAVS - Respecting the Law and Understanding Problematic Behaviour Educational Materials
CRIAVS - Respecting the Law and Understanding Problematic Behaviour Educational Materials
Age appropriate educational materials for children aged 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, and 14-18 years of age who are at risk of being sexually victimised and/or perpetrating acts of sexual violence themselves.
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Individual Work
Peer Support
Public Education
Crashing - AlterEgo Creative Solutions
Crashing - AlterEgo Creative Solutions
A theatre play which tells the story of Eddie, a fifteen year-old boy who is groomed by an adult man in his community. It is performed by young people, for young people in schools and other learning environments.
Classroom Setting
Group Work
SletDet (Delete It)
A helpline for children and young people in Denmark who have experienced online sexual harassment and online spreading of intimate information and imagery without consentSletDet (Delete It)
My Body is My Body
The My Body is My Body Musical Prevention Programme is targeted at children from age three to four years-old, to children in primary school.My Body is My Body
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Public Education
Safe Surfer
An app for internet-connected devices that allows users to filter online content and access.Safe Surfer
Barnahus Model
Barnahus is a child-friendly, interdisciplinary, and multi-agency centre for child victims and witnessesBarnahus Model
Individual Work
I Said No!
A book for adults to read to children to help them set healthy boundaries for their private partsI Said No!
Harmful sexual behaviour in schools training
The harmful sexual behaviour in schools training course is delivered online and can be taken on PCs and Macs, as well as iPads or other tablet devices. The resource is available on the NSPCC ‘learning’ website and is accessible at any time. Learning about sex and sexual behaviour begins at a young age. An early response can help prevent children from harming themselves and others.Harmful sexual behaviour in schools training
Green Dot
Bystander intervention programmes targeted towards children aged 6-12, college students and professionals working with childrenGreen Dot
Classroom Setting
Public Education
Community level prevention and awareness programmes to educate about CSA and seek to prevent its occurrence. Also, crisis support, assessment, therapeutic services and court preparation for survivors of CSA.PATCH
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Individual Work
Public Education
Music Heals
An entertainment programme with a child sexual abuse prevention message delivered to Primary SchoolsMusic Heals
Classroom Setting
First Step Cambodia
A range of prevention activities including workshops, events and the distribution of resources. Social worker capacity building and therapeutic services to 5-17 year old survivors of child sexual abuseFirst Step Cambodia
Group Work
Help Wanted is a Dutch website about online sexual abuse of children and young people up to 26 years old. The website allows individuals to contact them for advice about sexual abuse using their contact form.Help Wanted
ARPAN Personal Safety Education
The program is a series of workshops delivered in schools, communities and institutions to all genders. Aims are to provide children with the tools to prevent CSA by reducing risk factors and building supportive factors in both on and offline settings.ARPAN Personal Safety Education
Classroom Setting
Public Education
Who Do You Tell?
Facilitator led workshops for elementary school-aged children to support them in understanding what sexual abuse is, the impacts it can have and how to access help.Who Do You Tell?
Classroom Setting
Net Smartz
Net Smartz is an online safety education initiative. This has been designed for young people and hosts a wide range of information on online risks and safety in a variety of formats.Net Smartz