Interventions Database
We have developed a database of more than 200 interventions to help prevent child sexual abuse from across the globe. These are based on published research or documentation from the relevant organisation, with evaluative data included where available.
You can search and filter these below to find interventions most appropriate to your target audience.
Of course, each approach will be suited to its own geographical, cultural, legal and socioeconomic context; and inclusion of an intervention or resource within this database does not necessarily indicate effectiveness. You will need to adapt these interventions to your own context.
Keeping Ourselves Safe
A positive personal safety skills programme that aims to provide young people with the skills to cope with situations that might involve abuse. For delivery in schools by teachers supported by Police Education Officers.Keeping Ourselves Safe
Classroom Setting
Family Work
Childline Schools Service
A prevention programme delivered by trained volunteers in primary schools. Uses a large assembly and smaller interactive classroom sessions.Childline Schools Service
Classroom Setting
Chelsea's Choice
A theatre play which tells the story of ‘Chelsea’, a teenager who is sexually exploited performed by young to young people in schools and other learning environments.Chelsea's Choice
Classroom Setting
Be Safe! Prevention Programme
Be Safe! is a personal safety programme for children aged 5 to 9 years. Through positive, non-threatening, simple key messages and child-friendly learning resources. Be Safe! introduces young people to the concepts of: children's right; safe and supportive friendships; adult's responsibility to protect children from harm; privacy and simple and effective Personal Safety Rules.Be Safe! Prevention Programme
Classroom Setting
Internet Safety Seminars - Primary School Children (9-11 Years)
One hour verbal interactive presentations to 9-11 year olds using powerpoint slides and short films aimed at helping children stay safe online.Internet Safety Seminars - Primary School Children (9-11 Years)
Classroom Setting
A primary prevention programme delivered in primary schools consisting of 5 lessons using interactive activities and scenario based learning.Hedgehogs
Classroom Setting
SAFE - Personal Safety Skills for Deaf Children
A group work programme used by professionals working with deaf children aged 7 and above which aims to help children recognise abuse, avoid situations that might out them at risk and know how to seek help if they have concerns.SAFE - Personal Safety Skills for Deaf Children
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Guide to Relationships and Sex
A range of sex education DVDs for children and young people, including those with disabilities.Guide to Relationships and Sex
Classroom Setting
Don't Lose!
An educational campaign focusing on commercial sexual exploitation. Leaflets, posters and online banners were used in English, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian. Preventative workshops were also delivered to young people and a helpline was made available.Don't Lose!
Classroom Setting
Public Education
Growing Up with Yasmine and Tom
A programme to assist teachers to deliver Personal, Social and Health Education within the school setting. Includes 50 age appropriate lessons and activities as well as lesson plans, animations and videos. Covers topics such as the body, feelings, relationships, family life and online safety.Growing Up with Yasmine and Tom
Classroom Setting
Healthy Youth Relationships Programme
A workshop programme which explores healthy and unhealthy peer romantic relationships focussing on dispelling stereotypes, building communication and prevention skills, and empowering youth to make healthy relationship choices.Healthy Youth Relationships Programme
Classroom Setting
It's Not Your Fault
Workshops for young people which explore why abuse and neglect occur and where young people can go for help.It's Not Your Fault
Classroom Setting
Kids in the Know
A comprehensive manual designed to reduce the incidence of missing and exploited children and to educate the public on child personal safety and sexual exploitation.Kids in the Know
Classroom Setting
La Strada International Centre
A programme of work with children and young people delivered by volunteers in schools, summer camps and other settings to enable them to recognise the risk of abuse in both the online and ‘real world’ environment.La Strada International Centre
Classroom Setting
Peer Support
My Dangerous Loverboy
A campaign and website aims at raising awareness of sexual exploitation and internal trafficking. It includes a short film and educational resource for use in schools and a music video.My Dangerous Loverboy
Classroom Setting
Group Work
Teen Boundaries Sexual Bullying Programme
A programme for 10-18 year olds which aims to prevent sexual bullying, peer on peer sexual exploitation and promotes positive gen der relationships by challenging attitudes and promoting tolerance, understanding and cohesion. Delivered in a school setting.Teen Boundaries Sexual Bullying Programme
Classroom Setting
An advice website and a range of free educational resources that have been tailored for use children ages 4-17 including children with special educational needs. They provide age-appropriate information and advice to help prevent abuse and exploitation.Thinkuknow
Classroom Setting
Good Touch Bad Touch, Asia Puppets Flipchart
A personal safety skills programme for use in schools or other settings which can either be delivered through a puppet/flipchart presentation or an online presentation.Good Touch Bad Touch, Asia Puppets Flipchart
Classroom Setting
Kid & Teen Safe: An Abuse Prevention Programme for Youth with Disabilities
A school-based prevention education project to assist in empowering children, youth and young adults with disabilities to understand and advocate for their rights to personal safety and to learn skills that can help reduce the risk of violence.Kid & Teen Safe: An Abuse Prevention Programme for Youth with Disabilities
Classroom Setting
Today's Children, Tomorrow's Parents
A psychoeducational life skills programme integrated into the school curriculum for High School students designed to address risk factors for teenage pregnancy and to strengthen future parenting practices as well as prevent sexual violence in relationships.Today's Children, Tomorrow's Parents
Classroom Setting