Youth Spark Voices

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A programme which works with girls at risk of sexual trafficking which aims to increase and cultivate their talents and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Type of intervention

Family work, group work, individual work, peer support

Target groups, level of prevention and subgroups

  • Children and Young People (Victims) | Secondary prevention | Children (6-11 years), Young People (12-17 years) | Female | Family work, group work, individual work, peer support | English
  • Children and Young People (Victims) | Tertiary prevention | Children (6-11 years), Young People (12-17 years) | Female | Family work, group work, individual work, peer support | English

Target population

Girls aged 11-17 years who are deemed to be at high risk of becoming a victim of child sex trafficking (child sexual exploitation, CSE).

Delivery organisation

Youth Spark Voices, an organisation based in Georgia in the USA.

Mode and context of delivery

The Youth Spark Voices programme receives referrals from the Juvenile Court Probation Department, Department of Children and Families and the Georgia Care Connections Office. It runs a weekly after school group meeting, a bimonthly group for the project's leadership programme and individual services based on the needs of the young person. The programme involves the family and the wider support network in the individual's treatment. It is delivered in a community setting.

Level/nature of staff expertise required

Qualified and licensed clinicians, preferably with experience in trauma-informed practices and knowledge of CSE, who are able to work with survivors of trafficking and/or child abuse.

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

  • The after-school group meets each week for two hours.
  • The Alumnae Leadership Programme meets bi-monthly for two hours each session.
  • The programme manager contacts the client by phone several times a week.
  • Individual sessions are provided as needed. Duration depends on client's needs.
  • It is recommended that the weekly group should be attended for a year.
  • The programme encourages all alumnae to keep in touch.

Description of intervention

Youth Spark Voices works with girls aged 11-17 years who are deemed at high risk of becoming a victim of child sex trafficking. Its long term goal is that no girl ever becomes a victim of sex trafficking, whether as a child or as an adult. The programme aims to:

  • Provide services to youth who have been deemed at high risk for sex trafficking
  • Decrease the incidence of at-risk behaviours
  • Encourage a healthy life-style among youth deemed to be at risk of sex trafficking and to increase/cultivate their talents and strengths to help them to contribute to their community and to plan for the future.

The core components of the programme are:

  • A weekly after-school group meeting of two hours
  • An Alumnae Leadership Programme, which meets bi-monthly for two hours
  • Individual work based on specific needs.; the programme seeks to educate girls of the dangers and complexities of child sex trafficking

Assistance with transport is provided for each meeting, as well as healthy meals. Participants keep a journal. An annual recognition ceremony is held. Girls usually stay in the weekly group for around a year and then progress to the less intense Alumnae Leadership Programme. They are then offered the opportunity to lead and mentor the girls' group.

The programme involves the family and other support systems in the individual's treatment. It works closely with the Mental Health Department in case supplementary counselling is required.

There is no manual available, but training can be commissioned from the organisation.


No published evaluations are available. The programme has been reviewed by the California Evidence Based Clearing House for Child Welfare:

It did not receive a rating because it lacks the necessary research evidence to support this.


No published and peer reviewed reference materials are currently available, other than the above review.

Contact details

Jennifer Swain
Telephone (404) 613 4555

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RATING: Pioneering