Tell Somebody books

Database Filters

Target population

Young children

Delivery organisation

Parents, carers and teachers of children, as well as the children themselves. 

Mode and context of delivery

Books to be read to young children raising awareness of personal safety issues. Can be used in conjunction with the Tell Somebody resources

Level/Nature of staff expertise required

No prior experience is necessary for adults who want to educate their children using these resources.

Description of intervention

Books which describe lovable characters that teach kids how to respond to inappropriate behaviour, a simple message to protect the innocence of children. It's a flip book; one side for girls and one side for boys. Together with the Tell Somebody Curriculum, kids will enjoy the bright, fun illustrations and a kid-friendly story that will make this crucial message easy for them to enjoy.


To date, no evaluation of the effectiveness of the resources has been conducted.


No resources

Contact details

Front Cover


Information correct at November 2019