NoNo the Little Seal

Database Filters

Target population


young children


Delivery organisation



Mode and context of delivery

a book to be read to young children.  It is also available as a CD


Level/Nature of staff expertise required

no expertise required


Description of intervention

The book describes how NoNo's uncle is a special friend who teaches his nephew many things. But when his Uncle begins touching him in private places, NoNo is confused, upset and becomes withdrawn. Through disclosing what has happened, NoNo receives the support and protection of his parents and other friends. There is also a CD which contains an audio version of the story with related songs



A story about sexual abuse told in a way that is gentle, magical and and uplifting. It is designed to encourage open communication within families. Comes with a dramatised CD of the story and songs.




Contact details

Publisher St. Luke's Innovative Resources, 2004
ISBN 0958018839, 9780958018838


Image result for nono the little seal


Information correct at June 2020