Rosie and Jack - book

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Rosie and Jack - book

Target population

Children 4 -11

Delivery organisation

Specialists working with children who are recovering from sexual abuse and parents

Mode and context of delivery

To be read to and discussed with children

Level/Nature of staff expertise required (e.g. professional background)

No expertise required

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

To be read to and discussed with children

Description of intervention (max. 600 words)

Sometimes people do bad things. And sometimes people try to hide these bad things by creating secrets, Some secrets are bad.

Rosy and Jack are a sister and brother who have had bad things done to them. They were touched by someone in ways they didn’t like and told to keep it a secret. Rosy and Jack decided this was a bad secret. But who could they tell? And what would happen?

This is a story about sexual abuse and what can be done to stop it. This is also a picture book for anyone who needs courage to make a stand against bad things.

Few books exist that so frankly, but sensitively, invite conversations with children about staying safe and recovering from abuse.

Rosy and Jack is specialist resource for parents, children and human service workers. Children in a similar situation may be able to learn and take comfort from the experiences of Rosy and Jack. For parents, this book underscores the importance of listening to, trusting and loving their children.

Anyone who works with children who have been sexually assaulted will find this vividly illustrated story an excellent resource for creating positive conversations with kids, building their insight and understanding about their rights, easing their guilt, creating personal confidence and offering hope. 


To date, no evaluation has been conducted.


‘The sexual abuse is wonderfully handled in this colourful picture book, which tells children that their bodies belong to them alone and that abuse is never their fault. This book serves as prevention and a way to help ease the pain of abuse. In a word: vital.’

– Shaunagh O’Connor, Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia)

At last an honest book for children (and adults) that deals with the complexity of childhood sexual assault and dares to name this offence for what it is! The book initially presents as somewhat complex for young children. However used in a supportive therapeutic or educational context, it offers significant depth for children and families grappling with sexual assault.’

– Susan Murrant, Psychologist (Australia)

Children’s Safety Australia, ‘Book Review: Rosy and Jack‘, Safe Start e-news, vol. 2, Summer 2008/09.

Written and illustrated by Nicole Reading in consultation with the Northern Sexual Assault Service of Tasmania, Rosy and Jack is a valuable resource for children, particularly those aged from 7-12 years.  Rosy and Jack are a brother and sister who have had bad things done to them.  They were touched by someone in ways they didn’t like and were told to keep it a secret.  With the assistance of engaging illustrations, Rosy and Jack explores the difficult subject of sexual abuse and what can be done to stop it in a frank, yet sensitive manner.  It covers the issues of bad secrets, who to tell and what will happen.

Rosy and Jack is highly recommended for children as both an awareness tool as well as to assist children who may be in a similar situation.  It is also recommended for parents who will identify the importance of listening to, trusting and loving their children. Rosy and Jack is further recommended for anyone who works with children to invite conversations with children about staying safe and recovering from abuse.


To date, no references are available.

Contact details

Rosy and Jack

Published by Innovative Resources, 2004; reprinted 2008
ISBN: 978 095801882 1
Author and illustrator: Nicole Reading
Paperback, 210mm x 210mm, 36 pages