Let's Talk About Sex - Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex and Sexual Health

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A book for older children and teenagers that talks about all aspects of sex and sexual development.

Type of intervention


Target groups, level of prevention and subgroups

  • (Potential) Offenders | Primary prevention | Children (6-11 years), Young People (12-17 years) | Male and female | Book | English, Danish, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Japanese, Mandarin, Mongolian
  • Children and Young People (Victims) | Primary prevention | Children (6-11 years), Young People (12-17 years) | Male and female | Book | English, Danish, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Japanese, Mandarin, Mongolian

Target population

Children and young people aged 10-16 years.

Delivery organisation

La Strada International Centre for the Protection and Promotion of Women Rights, Moldova.

Mode and context of delivery

Let’s Talk About Sex is a book designed for children and young people to read to themselves, but it could also be used in a small group or classroom context or as a basis for talking about any aspect of sex and sexual development between children/young people and their parents or carers.

Level/nature of staff expertise required

Not applicable.

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

The book can be used in a variety of ways, including gaining information on individual topics or to form the basis of a wider discussion. This book is likely to be read or consulted repeatedly, by individual children and young people, by their parents and carers or by those who work with them in an educational or community setting.

Description of intervention

Since its publication in 1994, over one million copies of Let’s Talk About Sex have been sold. The authors have travelled widely and talked with children, young people and adults about the information and issues presented in this book, which has now been translated into thirty languages and used around the world, in countries as diverse as the USA, Mongolia and South Africa. The result is a comprehensive resource that is informative, accessible and fun to use.

The book is divided into six sections, plus an introductory section entitled ‘Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex and Sexual Health.' These sections are:

  • Sexual commercial exploitation of children (SCEC) – what does it mean? The scale of the issue in the Republic of Moldova and in the wider world.
  • The SCEC mechanism: profile of child victims of exploitation and the profile of the perperators. Group discussion.
  • How children can protect themselves from online grooming. Practical exercise.
  • How to identify SCEC cases and who can help in this situation?
  • Useful tips/advice.
  • Evaluation

By the end of the seminar, the participant will be aware of:

  • Part 1 – What is Sex? - includes information about sex and gender, sexual reproduction, sexual desire, sexual intercourse, hetero and homosexuality
  • Part 2 – Our Bodies - includes information about the human body, the female and male sexual organs and the language we use to talk about bodies and sex
  • Part 3 – Puberty - includes information about puberty and hormones, female and male puberty, growing and changing bodies, taking care of your body, new and changing feelings and masturbation
  • Part 4 – Families and Babies - includes information about taking care of babies and children, genes and chromosomes, cuddling, kissing, touching and sexual intercourse, pregnancy and birth and other ways of having a baby and/or a family
  • Part 5 – Decisions - includes information about when young people may feel able and responsible enough to have sex, abstinence and contraception.
  • Part 6 – Staying Healthy - includes information about sexual abuse and talking about it, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and Aids, getting information and staying safe on the Internet and making responsible choices

Information is conveyed in a matter-of-fact, easily understood way that is nonetheless very informative. The book is fully illustrated in a way that is explicit and fun, making accessible subject areas and issues that are traditionally difficult and embarrassing for young people (and adults) to discuss, and complementing the text. For example, the changes that occur in the female and male body as each develops are fully illustrated, making it clear that human bodies come in all different shapes, sizes and shades and don’t conform to some kind of ‘perfect’ ideal.


“Illustrated throughout with witty, but always accurate, cartoon, it provides thorough, frank, up-to-date and reassuring information on all aspects of growing up, puberty, sex and sexual health. Facts and feelings are covered in equal measure.” -Sex Education Matters

“At last! A book that tells pre-teens and teenagers what they need to know about sex. Let’s Talk About Sex is informative and interesting; reassuring and responsible; warm and charming. I wish every child (and parent) could have a copy.” -Penelope Leach, PhD., author of Baby and Child and Children First.

“A child will no doubt find this book very readable…the style is matter-of-fact, informative and responsible. It does not preach or talk down to the young reader.” -The School Librarian

“Its straightforward, unembarrassed and unpatronising approach is exactly what children and young adults need in their quest for accurate information- but cartoons and line drawings make it friendly rather than dauntingly clinical.” -Time Out

“A great book….all the facts are there without reservation, but it has a gentle approach that is very reassuring.” -The Times Educational Supplement



Contact details

Walker Books, (London, Boston, Sydney, Auckland, 1994)
ISBN 978-1-4063-2420-4

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