Everyone's Got a Bottom

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A story book for sharing with young children to help parents convey important safety messages. Reinforces the messages that a child’s body belongs to them together with the importance of telling a grown up if something is wrong.

Type of intervention


Target groups, level of prevention and subgroups

  • Children and Young People (Victims) | Primary prevention | Young Children (0-5 years), Children (6-11 years), Adults (21+ years) | Male and female | Book/guide | Englis
  • Communities and Families | Primary prevention | Young Children (0-5 years), Children (6-11 years), Adults (21+ years) | Male and female | Book/guide | English

Target population

Young children of pre and primary school age, for sharing with parents, carers, teachers and others who work with young children.

Delivery organisation


Mode and context of delivery

For parents and carers to read with their young children; for teachers and others who work with young children to share with young children in a group or individual setting.

Level/nature of staff expertise required

No formal training necessary.

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

This is a story book for sharing with young children on an occasional basis, to assist parents, carers and other appropriate adults to reinforce personal safety messages.  

Description of intervention

A large format, brightly illustrated book, based around the experiences of a young child and his family, as he learns about the differences between himself and his baby sister, appropriate touching and related issues that are part of a child’s everyday experience. Using a simple and easily-remembered rhyme: ‘From our head to our toes we can say what goes’ the book gently reinforces personal safety messages for young children, including what to do if something happens that scares and confuses them.

It enables parents to approach sometimes difficult subjects in a way that is both fun and non-threatening and uses straightforward language to name body parts and familiarise children with the concept that their body belongs to them. The book encourages communication between the children and their parents, carers and other appropriate adults. At the back of the book there is a section for parents and carers that provides information about child sexual abuse, indicators that it may have occurred, some simple self-protection strategies and information about what to do if a child talks about sexual abuse.


‘This little book is badly needed for helping parents, carers, teachers and child care personnel to keep children safe’ -Professor Freda Briggs.
This book won the 2007 Child Protection Week Award for an Education Initiative.



Contact details

Family Planning Queensland, (2007) (Publisher)
PO Box 215
Tess Rowley & Jodi Edwards, Wynnum, QLD 4178


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Information correct at August 2023