Childline South Africa Advocacy

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An Advocacy programme targeting the law and policy that supports prevention programmes at every level. Once a law or policy, or changes to it, have been passed or accepted, advocacy continues relating to its financing and implementation.

Type of intervention

Public education

Target groups, level of prevention and subgroups

  • Additional Resource | Public education | English

Target population

Politicians, legislators, oversight bodies and implementation drivers (for example the National Government Departments).

Delivery organisation

Childline South Africa and Partner Organisations:

Mode and context of delivery

Childline South Africa, together with various partners in civil society organisations and oversight bodies such as the Commission for Human Rights, has and continues to advocate for law and policy that supports prevention programmes at every level. Once a new law or policy or changes to a law or policy has been passed and accepted, advocacy continues, relating to financing and actual implementation.

Mode and context of delivery:

  • Meetings are held with partners
  • Decisions are made about advocacy target based on evidence of need and effectiveness of proposed change/response
  • Position papers and press releases are written collectively
  • These are sent to key role players such as Parliamentary Portfolio Committees with responsibilities in the targeted area
  • These are followed up with calls and personal meetings where this is affordable (parliament is in Cape Town and the administrative capital in Pretoria/Tshwane)
  • Position papers are released to the press
  • There is an attempt to sustain pressure

Level/nature of staff expertise required

High level experienced staff who are recognised leaders in the field of child protection and researchers who are credible.

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

This depends on the funds available and unfortunately, funding for advocacy activity is difficult to obtain. There is a desire to be more pro-active on these issues, but they lack dedicated “bodies” to systematically keep pressure up.

Description of intervention

  • Data on children who use our services is systematically collected
  • Experiences in practice in our work with children are analysed and data extracted
  • Comparative data is shared from partners in child protection
  • Needs relating to law, policy changes and implementation are identified
  • Position papers are written and sent to key decision makers
  • Meetings are held
  • Where possible follow up occurs
  • Media is used to support our advocacy efforts (community radio, TV, Print Press and electronic media)


There has been one evaluation of a collective project relating to the review of the Children’s Act.


UNICEF (2014) Hidden in Plain Sight. A statistical analysis of violence against children. UNICEF

Contact details

Childline National Office
Telephone: (+27)-(0)31-201 2059
Fax: (+27)-(0)86 511 0032
Postal Address: PO Box 51418, Musgrave, 4062

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RATING: Pioneering