Chelsea's Choice

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This is a previous intervention which does not appear to be delivered anymore. (June 2024)



A theatre play which tells the story of ‘Chelsea’, a teenager who is sexually exploited. It is performed by young people, for young people in schools and other learning environments.

Type of intervention

Classroom setting, play

Target groups, level of prevention and subgroups

  • (Potential) Offenders | Young People (12-17 years) | Primary prevention | Male and female | Classroom setting, play | English
  • Children and Young People (Victims) | Primary prevention | Young People (12-17 years) | Male and female | Classroom setting, play | English

Target population

Chelsea’s Choice is a theatre production which can be targeted at different audiences, including:

  • Young people (aged 12+ years)
  • Parents, carers, teachers and professionals working with young people


Delivery organisation

AlterEgo Creative Solutions Ltd - a ‘not-for-profit’ Social Enterprise

Mode and context of delivery

Chelsea’s Choice is a theatre play which is followed by discussion. It is normally performed by young people but it can also be performed by adults. Delivery is organised through schools, colleges, universities, social services, Local Safeguarding Children Boards, charities, borough councils, county councils, private businesses and national government agencies.

Level/nature of staff expertise required

The theatre team is made up of trained acting professionals.

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

The play’s running time is 40 minutes. This is followed by post show discussion lasting around 20-30 minutes. Staff working in the organisation follow-up any issues with the audience after this timeframe.

Description of intervention

Chelsea’s Choice is an Applied Theatre Production. The play is followed by a question and answer sessions to explore some of the issues raised.

The play tells the story of a group of three students who discover the diary of a girl called Chelsea. Chelsea was a young girl who, having fallen out with her friends and family, was approached by a man called Gary. Gary was older, owned a car, had a flat and treated her like an adult. Unfortunately Gary was not what he seemed to be – and Chelsea was sexually exploited. Chelsea's story is played out and examined by the three students who, along with their teacher, attempt to understand what happened to Chelsea and how it could have been prevented.


Whilst this means of engaging with young people is becoming increasingly popular across the UK, no evaluation data currently exists.


Chelsea’s Choice website:

Contact details

Contact details may not be correct anymore. The link to the website above does not work anymore (June 2024).

AlterEgo Creative Solutions Ltd
Office 30, iCentre
Howard Way 
Newport Pagnell MK16 9PY 

Telephone: 01908 299 432 (Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 2:30pm 

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RATING: Pioneering