Changing Futures

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Changing Futures



Changing Futures is an educational programme to provide educators and frontline staff with the tools they need to identify and respond to harmful sexual behaviours in pre-teens.

Type of intervention

Educational programme for educators and frontline staff

Target groups

Educators and frontline staff

Delivery organisation

Daniel Morcombe Foundation, Australia

Mode and context of delivery

Webnar or classroom presentations

Level/nature of staff expertise required

Academic and therapeutic specialists

Intensity/extent of engagement with target group(s)

Webnar/presentation to raise awareness

Description of intervention

Changing Futures aims to provide educators and frontline staff with the tools they need to identify and respond to harmful sexual behaviours in pre-teens. This program acts in response to research indicating 90% of Australian educators believe existing mandatory reporting training does not equip them with adequate skills in this area. Through national webinars, state and territory specific workshops, and practical resources, Changing Futures will build competence and confidence in the prevention, identification, and early intervention of these behaviours.

Delivered by leading academic and therapeutic specialists, these educational sessions will cover a range of critical topics surrounding children’s sexual behaviour.




No published research specifically on this programme.

Contact details


RATING: Pioneering